Sapienza Wireless

Logo wifi-zoneWifi for the university community 
sapienzawireless allows the University community connecting to internet and the University web services from open and closed spaces inside Città Universitaria.

Who can access SapienzaWireless?
The service is personal and the access is restricted to students, professors and university staff.

Using Sapienzawireless in Conventions and Events
For conventions and events organized inside Sapienza structures will be activated special accounts on an estimate of guests attending the events, through which they will connect to sapienzawireless. 
To have the accounts activated it must be filled a form and send it to segreteriainfosapienza, at least one week before the convention.
In the box on the right the form and instructions to connect to sapienzawireless.

Covered Areas
More and more areas are being covered by the service. Agreements with some authorities are making more accessible Sapienzawireless in Rome. In Villa Borghese, for example, through an agreement with Roma Wireless it’s possible to connect to sapienzawireless. 
Covered Areas
You can download from the box on the right a file to signal an area covered by Sapienzawireless.

Let’s expand the net
Sapienza has the purpose of extending sapienzawireless in every branch of the university that require it. ITC Infosapienza manages this service.

Technical description
Sapienzawireless (SSID) is identifies under the name Sapienza and doesn’t require any access key like WEP or WPA. It’s on 24 hours a day every day. Users can access from their mobiles, laptops, computers etc. it’s only required a web browser. 
Users must identify themselves when they access sapienzawireless, by inserting their username and password. Finally, the wireless net operates in the 2.4 GHz radio band.




Tipo Note
Access antenna Free -
Network protocol DHCP (standard) -
Access mode Web (via https) -
Operating systems All -
Access keys User & password enrolled student. uniroma1 account
Download/Upload 512/256 Kbps http-https
Personal Firewall Managed Enable ping input
Exit mode Logout from pop-up Enable pop-up frm site
Standard wi-fi 802.11 b/g -
Access time limitless -


ITC Infosapienza Centre

Technical assistance
from monday to friday
from 9:00 to 17:00

(+39) 06 4969 0113
interno 30113

(+39) 06 4991 0170


© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002