Distance learning during Covid-19 emergency
Online teaching materials (Moodle)
Professors at Sapienza University can rely on different tools aimed at sharing teaching materials and information with their students.
Some systems are managed by the faculties or departments, whereas the ITC Infosapienza Centre manages our university's Moodle system.
The Moodle platform also allows for the creation of communities of students and teachers aimed at sharing information, stimulating debate and spreading good study habits.
The system currently includes more than 1,000 courses involving almost 70,000 students and over 1,000 professors from all our the Faculties.
Sapienza University also provides some online courses (e-learning), through Unitelma Sapienza
MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) are open online courses designed for distance learning involving a large number of users.
In the first phase of the experimentation, Sapienza decided to join the Coursera platform, a leading company in MOOC born in 2012 from a spin-off of Stanford University (USA).